We usually see it as a problem in adolescents, but it also occurs in adulthood: acne is not only typical of the youngest. This problem is always related to hormones, but when we talk about the one that occurs during adolescence, we simply call it acne. It is when it is a problem in adulthood that we call it hormonal acne.
What is hormonal acne?
It is simply an excess of sebum on the skin. The sebaceous glands secrete an oily substance, whose purpose is to protect and lubricate the skin. When they produce it in a balanced way, everything is in order; The problem appears when something in our body decompensates and more sebum than necessary begins to be produced. This blocks the hair follicles and causes clogged pimples or pores. The skin, in turn, continues to produce cells that should come out through the pore, but since it is blocked they cannot do so.
If we add to this the acne bacterium, propionibacterium acnes, everything gets complicated. Our immune system reacts to it, and that's when inflammation occurs... But not always. As a general rule, whiteheads, blackheads, or pimples without infection do not become inflamed or cause anything serious. Why does hormonal acne occur?
We already know what this problem is. But what is it for? Although there may be different causes of hormonal acne, in the end they all boil down to one: a hormonal imbalance.
In adolescence
Adolescents suffer hormonal imbalances during their development. At this stage, testosterone production increases, both in girls and boys, for male sexual development and to strengthen bones and muscles in general. This testosterone production is the direct cause of this excess fat production.
At this age, acne occurs mainly on the upper part of the body, and especially in the T-zone of the face. Normally, with time and normal development, hormone levels return to balance and acne disappears on its own.
In adulthood
The causes of hormonal acne in adolescence are common to the period of growth, but in adulthood this problem is due to certain hormonal disorders. During the menstrual cycle or menopause it is normal to have a certain imbalance in this regard, but on other occasions this is increased due to exceptional situations, from stress to polycystic ovary syndrome, which cause hormonal changes.
In adults, the areas of the body where hormonal acne arises are different. It usually appears in what is known as the U zone: the lower part of the face, cheeks, jaw and neck. Furthermore, the disorders in this case are not always due to an excess of testosterone. We review them:
In menopause the reason is precisely the opposite: there is no increase in testosterone levels, but a decrease in estrogen. That creates a severe imbalance that leads to acne.
In the case of stress, this problem generates an excess of cortisol. This substance decreases hyaluronic acid, which is essential to maintain skin hydration. And, as a result of that, the dermis reacts to dehydration by producing more sebum.
During the menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone levels drop markedly. That produces a decompensation that, again, causes acne to appear. The good thing about hormonal acne in the menstrual cycle is that it is usually short breakouts, just a few days before menstruation and then disappears.
Methods against hormonal acne
In the case of a really serious problem, it is appropriate to consult your dermatologist so that he can indicate the most appropriate treatment. But if it is a mild acne, you have at your disposal several methods that help to eliminate hormonal acne. Hygiene is important, but not excessively; in fact, too much cleaning can cause a rebound effect. It is appropriate to clean the skin a couple of times a day with a mild soap and warm water. In addition, it is important to avoid sun exposure and pollution.
Topical treatments have proven not to be very good, since they rarely reach the interior of the dermis, which is where the sebum problem is generated. For this reason, oral treatments are usually more appropriate. That is why Filogynia has proven to be tremendously effective in eliminating hormonal acne, as the before and after images sent by this consumer show.
Its composition, based on natural products, is the key to its effectiveness: among its components is sage, a source of natural phytoestrogens or, in other words, estrogens of vegetable origin. It also has ashwagandha, which helps regulate stress and reduces cortisol levels in the body.
Hormonal acne has a solution, and sometimes with a little perseverance and natural methods it is enough to eliminate it. We can help you put an end to it.